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Embracing Balance: A Guided Exercise

I'm sharing a guided exercise to help you find inner balance and harmony. This practice is inspired by the Equinox, a time when the day and night are of equal length, symbolizing a perfect balance between light and dark.


  1. Find a Quiet Space: Find a peaceful spot, preferably outdoors or near a window where you can connect with nature's energy.

  2. Ground Yourself: Close your eyes and take three deep breaths, inhaling for four counts and exhaling for six.

  3. Visualize the Light: Imagine yourself surrounded by a warm, golden light. This represents the sun's energy, filling you with positivity and vitality.

  4. Embrace the Dark: Now, visualize a soft, silvery light joining the golden light. This represents the moon's calming energy, soothing your body and spirit.

  5. Find Balance: See these two lights merging within you, creating a perfect balance of light and dark, harmonizing every aspect of your being.

  6. Offer a Prayer: Recite the following prayer to strengthen your connection with the universe:

Beloved angels of balance and harmony,Thank you for this sacred time of the Equinox,Where the light and dark meet as one.I embrace the balance within me,Aligning my body, mind, and spirit with the Earth’s rhythm help me release what no longer serves me,And welcome the light of new beginnings.May I walk in peace, in perfect balance,Guided by your love and wisdom.

And so it is.

Remember, finding balance is a journey, not a destination. Consistent practice will help you integrate these techniques into your daily life.

Wishing you peace and harmony,



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