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Understanding Controlling Tactics and Finding Freedom

The Controlling Playbook

As you've accurately described, controlling individuals often follow a predictable pattern of behavior, known as a "playbook." This playbook can involve various tactics, including:

  • Anger and Rage: Frequent outbursts of anger or rage to intimidate and control.

  • Narcissistic False Persona: Projecting a false image of perfection or superiority.

  • Threats and Gaslighting: Using threats or manipulation to undermine your confidence and reality.

  • Victimhood and Devaluation: Portraying themselves as victims while devaluing your worth.

  • Intimidation: Using fear or intimidation to maintain control.

  • Blame and Manipulation: Shifting blame onto you and manipulating situations to their advantage.

  • Smear Campaign: Spreading negative rumors about you to damage your reputation.

  • Punishment: Using punishment or withdrawal of privileges as a form of control.

Breaking Free from the Cycle

To break free from this toxic cycle, it's crucial to recognize the patterns and take proactive steps. Here are some strategies:

  1. Prioritize Your Safety: If you feel physically or emotionally unsafe, seek help from a trusted friend, family member, or professional.

  2. Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive people who can offer love, encouragement, and guidance.

  3. Seek Professional Help: A therapist can provide valuable tools and strategies for coping with controlling behavior and building self-esteem.

  4. Financial Independence: Work towards financial independence to reduce your reliance on the controlling individual.

  5. Create a Safety Plan: Develop a plan for leaving the relationship if necessary, including where you will go and who you will contact.

  6. Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

  7. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries and communicate your needs assertively.

  8. Believe in Yourself: Remember that you are worthy of respect and happiness.

A Prayer for Protection and Guidance


Heavenly spirits, my spirit guides, I call upon you for protection and guidance. Shield me from toxic attacks and negative influences. Fill me with courage, wisdom, and strength.

Request for Help:

Help me break free from the cycle of control. Grant me the clarity to see the truth. Empower me to prioritize my own well-being.


Thank you for your unwavering support and love. May I find peace, joy, and freedom. Amen.

Remember, you are not alone. By seeking help, building a support network, and prioritizing your own well-being, you can break free from the controlling cycle and create a happier, healthier life.

Call to schedule a consultation for Spiritual Therapy. (631) 278-8624

Or schedule an online session today!




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